Software developed at the Cellular Imaging Core Facility

CI LIF Splitter
What to do with large or huge Leica LAS-X LIF files? Opening them can be a pain. With CI LIFSplitter, you can now split (i.e., extract) images to separate LIF files or optionally .QTIFF files.
Go to the Github page for more info
- Splitting LIF/XLEF Files: Easily split large LIF or XLEF files into multiple smaller LIF files.
- Convert to .QTIFF: Optionally convert 2D and 3D (max proj) .QTIFF Slide format. These files are saved with LZW or JPG compression and contain pyramids and a thumbnail. They are compatible with QuPath, AperioImageScope, Omero, Fiji (ImageJ).

CI Convert
Leica XLEF/LIF to Images, Image to Leica LIF
Convert Leica LIF/XLEF files to Aperio ImageScope SVS/BigTiff and Image Files to Leica LIF (using Bio-Formats)
- Convert and Stitch TileScans from Leica LIF to SVS/TIFF/ImageJTIFF (Hyperstack).
- Convert Large Stitched (Merged TileScans) images from Leica LIF to SVS/TIFF/ImageJTIFF (Hyperstack).
- Convert image files to Leica LIF Format. Multichannel images in 2D, 3D and time are supported.
- Convert ImageXpress Pico Experiment to Leica LIF.

CI Micro
CIMicro can show and analyze images (Single, Stacks and Time Series) from LAS-X Files; LIF, XLEF or TIF.
This program was developed primary for quickly analyzing time-lapse experiments of cell migration, invasion and wound healing assays. Time-lapse experiments saved in Leica’s LIF or (auto-saved) XLEF files can be opened with no delay in loading time. Interactive measurements can be done by the area or counting tool and are save together with experimental data. Extra options are Movie Export, 3D features and support for TIFF files.

Cell Counter
This program is for counting cells (or other things). There is a choice for 4, 8, 12, 16 counters. Different (default) alarms and names. There is also a total sum with alarm. Custom settings, copy to Excel, etc.